The fifth day of the Plenitude League that will start today, with the match between Ángel Ximénez Puente Genil and Impulse BM. Guadalajara, will feature a double appointment between teams aspiring to occupy a European spot. BM. Logroño La Rioja and Fraikin BM. Granollers will face off in Franjivino territory with the visitors in second position, with 6 points, and the locals in seventh, with 4. The Catalans will seek to take their fourth consecutive victory at the top, while the pupils of Miguel Ángel Velasco want to secure their first home win after suffering two losses to Bathco BM. Torrelavega (26-28) and Viveros Herol BM. Nava (30-31).
In Artaleku we will witness one of the classics of ASOBAL with the visit of ABANCA Ademar León to Bidasoa Irun's court. The two consecutive victories of Álex Mozas's team place the Irunians in sixth place with 5 points before receiving a Ademar team that just lost to Bada Huesca (23-25) in the Plenitude League and to HC Kriens-Luzern (34-30) in the group stage of the EHF European League. Ademar plays well in the Bidasoa temple with 14 victories in their 22 visits to Bidasoa Irun's home, but, in the last two seasons, the two points have stayed home (31-27 and 33-29).
In the upper part of the table, the leader Barça will face Frigoríficos del Morrazo at the Palau after the Galicians' first victory in the Plenitude League; Bathco BM. Torrelavega aims to return to the path of victory on the court of Bada Huesca; Viveros Herol BM. Nava will play in a always demanding Santiago Manguán against Tubos Aranda Villa de Aranda and Servigroup Hotels Benidorm will face Recoletas At. Valladolid in the Match of the Round chosen by Teledeporte and that will also be broadcast by the LALIGA+ App. The focus on the match between the Blue Gladiators and the Alicante team is set on the duel of tricksters starring Alejandro Pisonero and Nacho Valles.
Completing the fifth day of the domestic championship will be the clash between REBI Handball Cuenca and Helvetia Anaitasuna at El Sargal. Lidio Jiménez's team wants to turn the page after two consecutive losses to Bidasoa and Benidorm and Quique Domínguez's team hopes to win again after three rounds in which they have registered a draw and two losses.
¡Nos aproximamos a la 𝗝𝗼𝗿𝗻𝗮𝗱𝗮 5️⃣ de la 𝐋𝐢𝐠𝐚 𝐏𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐮𝐝𝐞!🫡
— Liga Plenitude (@ASOBAL) October 9, 2024
⚔️ La cita inaugural será el @AngelXimenezBM 🆚 @bmguadalajara
💫 Doble duelo directo en la zona alta:@ciudadlogronobm ⚡️ @BMGranollers @CDBidasoaIrun ⚡️ @ADEMARLEON
#️⃣ #EscuelaDeTalento