Bathco BM. Torrelavega reaches the sole leadership of ASOBAL.

Liga Plenitude
30/09/2024 | Arcalle Liga Plenitude

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The team led by Jacobo Cuétara is meeting the created expectations and is already leading the classification of the highest category after starring in a full of victories at the beginning of the 2024/2025 season. The Orange Squad took the two points from Santiago Manguán (31-36) to maintain their unbeaten condition in ASOBAL and take advantage of the postponed match between Barça and ABANCA Ademar León due to the Club World Cup.

Viveros Herol BM. Nava, Fraikin BM. Granollers and Servigroup Hotels Benidorm have reconnected to the top of the table after winning on the third day. The Nava team won by the minimum on the court of BM. Logroño La Rioja (30-31), the Catalans were the winners of a thrilling Match of the Day against Helvetia Anaitasuna (28-29) and the Alicante team overcame REBI Handball Cuenca at El Sargal (29-32) with a stellar Nacho Valles, author of 13 goals.

Ángel Ximénez Puente Genil added the first points of the season, overcoming Frigoríficos del Morrazo in a match marked by equality at Alcalde Miguel Salas (35-34) and by the offensive prominence of Pablo Simonet (11 goals). Bidasoa Irun also celebrated its first victory of the Álex Mozas era on the benches, with a solid triumph against Bada Huesca at Artaleku (35-30) that allows the Irun team to climb to the ninth position. Huerta del Rey also celebrated the first victory of the Blue Gladiators against an Impulse BM. Guadalajara (30-26) that had just beaten Anaitasuna.