ASOBAL announces the creation of the V Collective Agreement of professional handball with the Handball Players Association (AJBM), published this morning in the Official State Gazette number 165, of Tuesday, July 9, 2024, setting the most essential bases for the correct functioning of the professional competition, with a time frame - including extensions - until June 30, 2026.
The document establishes and regulates the rules by which the working conditions of professional handball players who provide their services for handball clubs, Sports Joint Stock Companies or sports entities integrated into the Asobal League must be governed, as well as the rights and obligations enforceable between the signing associations.
The AJBM and ASOBAL have worked hand in hand in recent months to define the points of the new Agreement and sign the agreement with the aim of enhancing the role of the professionals who make up the Plenitude League. "It is great news for our sport and it has been possible thanks to the great harmony that exists with the AJBM. The two entities row in the same direction, putting clubs and professionals as the cornerstone of the project", explains the president of ASOBAL, Servando Revuelta. In this line, the V Collective Agreement includes the creation of a social guarantee fund that allows the AJBM to address situations of need, health expenses, provision or carry out training plans to, among other points, facilitate the transition of players from sporting life to strictly work environment.