Sure, here is the translation: The brilliance of Alejandro Pisonero on the visit of Recoletas At. Read more
The design of Frigoríficos del Morrazo's equipment in the Plenitude League 2024/2025 was the favorite of the LALIGA+ digital community to receive the distinction as "Jersey of the season". Read more
LALIGA vuelve a poner en marcha, en sus redes sociales, su tradicional encuesta anual para elegir la Camiseta de la temporada en la Liga Plenitude. Read more
El primera línea de Frigoríficos del Morrazo, Mads Thymann, protagonizó una exhibición en el empate de los gallegos frente a Helvetia Anaitasuna que le ha llevado a ser elegido como mejor lateral izquierdo y MVP de la Jornada 15 de la Liga Plenitude. Read more
Leaving equality and spectacle high and wide. Read more
ASOBAL launches, during Matchday 15 of the Plenitude League, a new activation of QR codes distributed in the pavilions of the top category so that fans can add 10,000€ to their budget in the ASOBAL Fantasy as an early Christmas gift. Read more
The elite of men's handball clubs bids farewell to 2024 with a final episode in which the teams will battle to end the year in the best possible position in the standings. Read more
Sure, here is the translation: The excellent trajectory of Álex Mozas's team in the Plenitude League, with four consecutive victories that have boosted them to third place, also translates into double representation in The Ideal 7 of Matchday 14 with the presence of Iñaki Cavero as the best right winger and Esteban Salinas as the best pivot, two of the protagonists of the Bidasotarra triumph in Logroño (29-31). Read more
The team led by Sergio Carballeira has confirmed, on Matchday 14 of the Plenitude League, the good sensations generated in the last chapters of the top category with the draws against Torrelavega and Ademar and the minimal defeat against Bidasoa Irun. Read more
The Christmas spirit arrives at the 'ASOBAL Fantasy' and, with it, a gift in the form of a prize for its entire community. Read more
Suso Soliño is much more than one of the most emblematic players in the history of ASOBAL. Read more